ISI means “Infrastructure for Information Systems at ISEM” (Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier). ISI is born in november 2020 after the merge of “Service Réseau & Informatique de l’ISEM” (SR2i) and the MBB platform infrastructure (shared computing and bioinformatic platform for the CeMEB LabEx).
It consists in a “Network & System” team and in a “project” part.
Previously, the SR2i team managed ISEM computers and provided support for people at ISEM. They also delivered some services, like server hosting, booking services, terminal server, or printers…
The MBB Platform is a joint initiative of laboratories within the CeMEB LabEx “Mediterranean Center for Environment and Biodiversity”. Its goal is to stimulate/coordinate research, developments and training in the fields of theoretical and computational ecology and evolution. It provides computing and bioinformatic resources and advices. Moreover it develops and deploys many programs and workflows.
Useful links
- Support/Helpdesk (it replaces the GLPI/SR2i Helpdesk),
- Booking room management & machines,
- ISEM Nextcloud,
- Services status
- Wiki
[*] Use the same user/password that you need for the ISEM Intranet
Please note that bigmems and GPU booking has moved to the ISI GRR resource booking website. Moreover, there is no more strict duration limit.
Helpdesk for ISI and MBB infrastructure is now located on the ISI helpdesk.
If you need to reach the MBB team for another purpose, please email them (either personnaly (see here to check members or with their mailing list “mbb-team AT umontpellier.fr”).